A new collection - "Retro"
Oh, my, I had so much fun creating my new collection I call "Retro". It draws some inspiration from Rex Ray's work, but I like to think of it as my very own and I didn't find anything quite like it on-line.
Yeah, it's hard to be really original this days when you encounter hundreds, if not thousands, of amazing artworks a day on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and other social media. And when you start developing your ideas, you really need to pay attention for subtle details that subconsciously emerge in your art but aren't your own... I must admit I was half through the collection, when I remembered Rex Ray and when I checked his art in utter panic that I unknowingly used his ideas, I discovered my work really uses similar shapes and composition as two of his works, but after having a lot of thought about it I concluded that assuming my work is similar as his, would be same as assuming every portrait ever made is similar to other portraits. And we know it's not how this works.
So here are couple of samples from this collection. You can also find them in my portfolio and some of them are also in my shop.
And at the bottom of the page you can find a video of me working on one of the pieces.

O joj, res sem uživala pri ustvarjanju svoje nove kolekcije, ki sem jo poimenovala "Retro". Nekaj inspiracije vleče iz del Rexa Raya, vseeno pa mislim o celotni kolekciji kot svojem originalnem delu, saj na internetu nisem našla ničesar res podobnega.
Ja, danes je res težko ustvariti nekaj povsem originalnega, še posebno če vsakodnevno spremljaš Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook in ostala socialna omrežja in pregledaš stotine ali celo tisoče čudovitih umetniških del. In ko začneš razvijati svoje ideje, moraš biti res previden, da se v tvoje delo ne prikradejo detajli, ki očitno niso tvoji... Priznam, da sem bila z ustvarjanjem že globoko preko polovice kolekcije, ko sem se spomnila na Rexa Raya in v strašni paniki šla preveriti ali sem si podzavestno sposodila od njega kakšno zelo očitno idejo. No, ugotovila sem, da sicer uporabljam podobne oblike in kompozicijo kot on v dveh od njegovih del, vendar pa sem po temeljitem razmisleku ugotovila, da primerjava podobnosti mojih platen z njegovimi pomeni enako kot primerjati med seboj vse portrete, ki so bili kdaj naslikani in reči, da so si podobni. Vemo, da stvari ne delujejo tako.
Tako lahko z vami delim nekaj kosov iz te kolekcije, najdete jih lahko tudi v mojem portfoliu, nekatere tudi v moji trgovini.
Povsem spodaj na strani si lahko ogledate tudi video kako ustvarjam enega od platen.

You can take a peek of me working in the video below.
V videu si lahko pogledate kako sem ustvarila enega izmed platen.