Calendar for August 2017
Dear friends, I hope you had a wonderful month of July. I must say mine was not good. Not good at all.
On the first of July my best friend died and it is still hard for me to think about that. In the middle of the month I had granuloma and it was another sort of suffering I had to go through. That's why my month went by almost without any creating. I had no wish to create and I did some ranting about it on FB which ended in so many love and support comments from my artistic friends I had to try something. I thought about my friend and I made a piece I call "A River of Tears". And this piece became your calendar for August. It took a great part of my sadness away and I hope it'll make you feel better if you needed to.
If you like it you can download it for free on this link.
Enyoj your August and see you soon.

Dragi moji, upam, da ste imeli krasen mesec julij. Priznati moram, da moj ni bil ravno dober. Pravzaprav sploh ne...
Prvega julija je umrla moja najboljša prijateljica in še vedno težko razmišljam o tem. Sredi meseca sem imela še gronolom, ki mi je povzročil še druge sorte trpljenje. Zaradi vsega tega ta mesec skorajda nisem nič ustvarjala. Enostavno nisem imela želje ustvarjati in ko sem o tem potarnala na FB, se je s strani mojih umetniških prijateljev z vsega sveta vsulo toliko ljubečih komentarjev in podpore, da sem res morala poskusiti z delom. Mislila sem na prijateljico in nastalo je tole, kar sem poimenovala "Reka solza", in iz tega je nastal koledar za ta mesec. Ob delu sem sama izgubila veliko mero žalosti in upam, da bo tudi vam polepšal mesec, še posebno, če ste tudi sami v težavnem obdobju in potrebujete tolažbo in vzpodbudo.
Upam, da vam je všeč in si ga boste naložili preko te povezave.
Želim vam res čudovit avgust in se vidimo spet kmalu.