Calendar for May 2017
My dear friends, months run by so fast I can't even follow and here is already a new calendar for your desktop. You know the drill, check it out below and download it here. I hope you like it and that it'll bring fresh spring colors to your desktop.
Dragi moji, meseci letijo mimo, da kar ne morem slediti in že je tu nov koledar za vaše namizje. Saj že veste kako gre - spodaj si ga pogledate in če vam je všeč, si ga naložite tukaj. Upam, da vam bo všeč in da bo prinesel sveže barve pomladi na vaše namizje.

I'm working on so lot's of different projects, so please, visit my blog again.
And I wish you a wonderful May. See you soon.
Trenutno delam na veliko različnih projektih, zato vas vabim, da kmalu spet obiščete moj blog.
In, seveda vam želim čudovit mesec maj. Se vidimo spet kmalu.