Calendar for February 2017
And here it is again... a new month coming in few days and a brand new calendar for you to download (for free of course) to make your desktop look cute and fresh.
Most of you already know, for those who are here for the first time: you just check below if you like the calendar and if you do, you can dowlnoad it here.
In spet smo tu... nov mesec že v par dneh in nov koledar za vas. Seveda je brezplačen in upam, da bo namizje vašega računalnika polepšal in osvežil.
Večinoma že veste, tisti ki ste tu prvič pa navodila: koledar si pogledate spodaj in če vam je všeč si ga naložite tukaj.

I hope you enjoy your calendar and I wish you a great February. See you soon.
Upam, da boste uživali v koledarju in vam želim čudovit februar. Se vidimo kmalu!