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Happy painting again

Now that I've started painting again, I just can't stop. I'm still following Toni Burt's class Luminous Soul and this is my homework for lesson two. If you missed my last post, you can see more of her work on her web site.

Here is the process of my creating of second lesson inspired mixed media painting and scanned painting at the bottom of the page. As a reference photo I took a photograph of Sansa - a character from Game of Thrones. I didn't try to follow her resemblance exactly, I just wanted to get basic features.

Zdaj ko sem končno začela spet slikati, enostavno ne morem nehati. Še vedno sledim tečaju Toni Burt z imenom Luminous soul in to je moja domača naloga za drugo lekcijo. Če ste spregledali moj prejšnji blog, si lahko več o Toni preberete na njeni strani.

Zgoraj si lahko pogledate posamezne faze mojega ustvarjanja za drugo lekcijo Tonijinega tečaja, spodaj pa dokončan in skeniran izdelek. Kot referenčno fotografijo sem vzela fotografijo Sanse - osebe iz nadaljevanke Igra prestolov. Nisem želela slediti točni podobnosti njenega obraza, ampak le osnovni obliki.

I'm very happy to say that now that I've started again, I jsut can't stop :D

Z veseljem lahko povem, da se zdaj, ko sem spet začela, enostavno ne morem ustaviti :D

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