Easy way to learn drawing artistic faces with Dina Wakley
Remember when I told you I don't like drawing faces? I really don't. Or maybe I should say I didn't.
In high school I drew lots of realistic faces, mostly actors and singers that I liked at the time (I wonder where my favourite poster of Jim Morrison went. Hm.). But when this phase was behind me, I NEVER EVER drew faces again.
Lately I started to appreciate portraits and to make things clear, I admire artists that draw hyper realistic portraits, but I have no desire to do that. I prefer simple fantasy faces but after so many years I just didn't know how to start so I went to Youtube (where else) and in my first try I can say, I hit a jackpot.
I found a video by Artists Network with Dina Wakley and she is great! Her video is made in two parts, first how to draw an artistic face and the second how to paint it. Everything is explained step by step, accompanied with her joyful spirit which makes a great combination. She also wrote a book about the subject, and you can find all other information about her art, blog and teaching on her website.
I contacted Dina and she approved including the videos in my blog so you don't need to search for them. Here they are:
I sat in front of TV, put my sketching paper on my knees and was drawing while she was explaining. Imagine my surprise when in my first try I got a perfectly cute face. Of course I still need to practice (and practice and practice), but her instructions are amazingly simple and easy to follow. This is what happened while watching her video :D

If you got inspired by her videos, I'd really love to see your work, so you can contact me and I will share it here. Enjoy!