Homage to Rex Ray
I admired Rex Ray's work for quite a time, but only the other day I discovered he died last year and it made me really sad and thinking how much of his ideas will never see the light of day. If you are not familiar with his work, you can check his website, here are just some of his works for you to sample.
I love his work because it has a retro kind of 70's look, full of simplified shapes and with so much colour. He created a large compendium of works from mixed media collages on resin, paper, wood and linen to large scale canvas painting. And among his art it’s hard to find a piece that’s not likeable.
Lately I was thinkig about making a piece for my dear cousin's 40th birthday and I remembered Rex Ray's work as a perfect opportunity to make a homage to his work and also a great gift that will be appreciated.
I used 50 x 70 cm canvas, acrylic paints, soft pastels and white ball pen. This is what happened. It's part Rex Ray, part me since I wasn't able to resist adding those curly vines.

Luckily my cousin loved it and I discovered a painting style that suits me and I guess there can be more Rex Ray in my future projects.