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Art journal page with a magazine photo

I wanted to show you one of my art journal pages where I used a photo from an old magazine. It's a thing you can use for your art journal if you feel like it and if you see a meaning in that.

I've always admired Halle Berry not only for her beauty but also for her talent. Anyway, I find her one of the most beautiful women alive and in this page I used her photo to remind myself that I don't need to look like Halle (as if I could :D) to be beautiful.

The point is that your page reflects exactly the thing you need at the moment of creating it. Maybe this means vivid colors on a rainy day, positive affirmation when you are sad or depressed, or just a funny doodle when you are stressed.

Just be yourself, don't try to make things perfect, have fun and don't mind how the final result will look like. You don't need to share it with others to judge you and trust me, there are some awful pages in my art journal, but even though they served their purpose.

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